We finally bought a home!
We sold our home of 10 years with some hiccups, but eventually things worked out. Finding another one at the crazy real estate market in the Silicon Valley is nonetheless a challenge! We got into a few bidding wars, won and back out on one of them, then found the home that fits our needs best!
It's smaller but a ranch style (no more stairs exercises for me), much older too (built in late 1940s), and with a rustic yard (with fruit trees and lots and lots of spices). Sellers are a retired couple moving to the East Coast to live near their children and grandchildren. They've lived there for 40 years and ain't ready to let their well-loved, well-kept home go yet ... The husband is actually a well-known artist! Inspiration is in the air ;-)
My next huge project is renovating to make it our own. Overwhelming but shopping is the best part! I'll have a dedicated studio, what's not to love!?