Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Etsy 2nd Anniversary! Thank you :-)

Today is my 2nd anniversary! Have to write a blog post to thank my fellow Etsy teammates, my friends, my customers and my family! Without your support and love, I wouldn't be able to grow so much!

In retrospect, I've:

1) moved away from the kitchen counter to a hand built bench! Yes, my little bench is now situated at a corner of the study area, next to my computer :-) This little sun-filled corner is my, my, my!

2) learned etching and planning to do more of it!

3) touched the very basics of enameling. My Thompson enamels are calling my name.

4) ordered the Paragon SC2 last week!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still super excited! This is such a huge step I made, meaning I'm more committed to jewelry making! This kiln will be firing and enameling jewelry! It should be here some time next week!

5) started the MetalClayHeads Etsy team! Met tons of great metal clay artists and exchanging life ups and downs with them on a daily basis.

6) started a blog that you're reading now, hehe.

So what's next? There are a few things I'm keen on doing more - enameling, base metal clay, etching. Plus learning some new skills such as injection casting and stone setting. Looking forward to all the new challenges in the coming year!

Friday, September 2, 2011

To-Do List

Over the years I've received tons of note pad free as gifts and from area realtors. I utilize them to create my to-do list.

I've a to-do list for house chores, a to-do list for monthly payments (more like a to-pay list), a to-pack list for travel (hope I could make that more often!) and of course a to-do list for my jewelry creations. Blogging has been on my list for the last two years. Now it has become a reality.

Then, what should I blog about? Hm ... weather in Northern California is gorgeous these days, no hurricane then ... Back to school is on full swing ... but the only one going back to school in my household is me!

So, guess I will talk a little about my life, a little about my beliefs, a little about my family, and mostly about my artistic outlet - metalsmithing and metal claying then! I hope you will enjoy my journey in the creative world. A little step at a time, hence one day at a time.